About Us

At Claims4Business, we understand the importance of your business’s financial well-being. We are committed to providing you with expert guidance, personalised solutions, and dedicated support throughout the process of rectifying mis-sold energy contracts.

Don’t let mis-sold energy contracts burden your business any longer. Contact us today, and let’s work together to secure a brighter energy future for your company.

If you’ve been affected by mis-sold energy contracts or need expert guidance on business energy claims, we’re here to assist you. At Claims4Business, our dedicated team of specialists is ready to provide the support and solutions you need to protect your business and recover what’s rightfully yours.

To schedule a consultation with one of our specialists, please fill out the form below. We'll arrange a convenient time for you to discuss your business energy claims and explore how we can assist you in achieving a successful resolution.

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We are claiming £66,063.36 from Corona Energy and £33,692 from Total Gas on behalf of a Business Centre in Liverpool, because they were mis-sold their Energy Contract
A Chester based Restaurant was mis-sold their Energy Contract, so we are claiming £26,961.17 from EDF and £25.607.00 from SSE on their behalf
We are claiming £86,965.05 from E.ON for a Dry Cleaners/Launderette in London, because of undisclosed commissions on their Energy Contract
A Hotel in Bromley was a victim of the Business Energy Mis-Selling Scandal, so we are claiming £46,885.63 from Engie and £41,911.00 from Hudson Energy on their behalf
As an unscrupulous Broker arranged their Business Energy Contract, we are claiming £35,439.71 from BES Utilities for a Café/Coffee Shop in York, because the contract had hidden clauses
We are claiming £22,759.08 from Scottish Power for a pub in Newcastle because they weren’t made aware of the high commission charges added to their Energy Contract
We are claiming £75,187.03 from British Gas for a Restaurant in Bristol, who had no idea of the vast commissions being paid to their Energy Broker
A Takeaway in Sheffield is claiming £23,176.98 from British Gas because of Broker negligence. We can help you to claim too!
A Local Football Club in Manchester has been given a financial lifeline just by getting in touch with us. Their claim value from Valda Energy is over £50,000!
We are claiming £100,752.00 from BES Utilities on behalf of an Engineering Company in Birmingham, as we discovered a large amount of their spend was undisclosed commission paid to their Energy Broker without their knowledge.